I've arrived in Delhi after a 23 hour train trip. They had hundreds of people selling Chai (tea) - I'm really not sure how that much tea could be drunk every few minutes.
Mumbai was just getting too hot and sticky. When its too hot to sleep, and too expensive for air con, its time to move on.
Thus Spake Zarathrusta
India seems to be the most religious place in the world. Forget the major religions -Hindu, Buddhist, Muslim, Christian, everywhere has those. I just went on a tour, saw the Towers of Silence where the Parsis leave their dead to be picked apart by vultures.
And if you thought that was grim, aparantely there aren't enough vultures anymore so they're resroting to chemicals!
There's also the worshippers of Jain, who beleive every living thing is sacred. They pray with a cloth over their mouths to protect the bacteria that would otherwise die when exhaled.
Kashimir isn't a war zone
According to this tout who was from the area and trying to do some seriously hard selling. He implored me to get out my bible of travelling - lonely planet- and check what he said. It said: "Kashimir is a war zone. Don't go there. Beware of touts doing the hard sell on it."
After that, he kinda quietened.